

WHO declares widely used sweetener aspartame a possible cancer cause, but intake guidelines stay the ...


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Some customers are complaining the new olive oil-infused Starbucks drink is making them run to the b ...


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An emerging fungal threat spread at an alarming rate in US health care facilities, study says. Clin ...


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Hospitals in the US are the fullest they’ve been throughout the pandemic – but it’s not just Covid
Hospitals in the US are the fullest they’ve been throughout the pandemic – but it’s not just Covid

Hospitals are more full than they’ve been throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a CNN anal ...


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For some Christians, ‘rapture anxiety’ can take a lifetime to heal
For some Christians, ‘rapture anxiety’ can take a lifetime to heal

Thirteen-year-old April Ajoy had a sense something wasn’t right. It was quiet in her Dallas house. ...


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Ohio’s new abortion law forces doctor to fight to protect her patient’s life
Ohio’s new abortion law forces doctor to fight to protect her patient’s life

As soon as Dr. Mae Winchester did an ultrasound on Tara George, she knew that her baby was in troubl ...


浏览:83883 | 喜欢: 9.5k

The Covid-19 emergency may end, but there’s no rule to say when the pandemic is over
The Covid-19 emergency may end, but there’s no rule to say when the pandemic is over

President Joe Biden lit a firestorm of controversy this week when he said in an interview that “the ...


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Debunking myths about suicide helps encourage compassion and understanding
Debunking myths about suicide helps encourage compassion and understanding

Sometimes people who die by suicide get branded as selfish, depressed or attention-seeking. Such ...


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Why a woman’s doctor warned her not to get pregnant in Texas
Why a woman’s doctor warned her not to get pregnant in Texas

Nine years ago, Cade DeSpain messaged a friend about a cute girl he saw on her Facebook feed. The ...


浏览:54168 | 喜欢: 6.0k

Walking can lower risk of early death, but there’s more to it than number of steps, study finds
Walking can lower risk of early death, but there’s more to it than number of steps, study finds

Put on your walking shoes and don’t forget your step counter: You can reduce your risk for cancer, ...


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A fitness expert shares a game plan for living without back pain
A fitness expert shares a game plan for living without back pain

Too often, after fruitless searches for a single magic bullet to eradicate chronic back pain, people ...


浏览:53988 | 喜欢: 4.6k

Monkeypox outbreak slowing in the US, but health leaders say critical challenges remain
Monkeypox outbreak slowing in the US, but health leaders say critical challenges remain

New monkeypox cases in the United States have been steadily dropping in recent weeks, with cases rep ...


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Study finds potential link between daily multivitamin and improved cognition in older adults
Study finds potential link between daily multivitamin and improved cognition in older adults

Taking a daily multivitamin might be associated with improved brain function in older adults, a new ...


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8 myths about diet, exercise and sleep
8 myths about diet, exercise and sleep

Beliefs developed when young about what is or isn't healthy can follow us for a lifetime, experts sa ...


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Do what you love and live longer, the Japanese ikigai philosophy says
Do what you love and live longer, the Japanese ikigai philosophy says

"This essay is part of a column called The Wisdom Project by David Allan, editorial director of CN ...


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As BA.2 grows in the US, experts look to other countries to predict its impact here
As BA.2 grows in the US, experts look to other countries to predict its impact here

(CNN) After weeks in free fall, new Covid-19 cases are starting to level off in the US, as the BA.2 ...


浏览:86526 | 喜欢: 10.0k

How protected are we against Covid-19? Scientists search for a test to measure immunity
How protected are we against Covid-19? Scientists search for a test to measure immunity

(CNN)In 2010, doctors told Ben Sobieck, now 37, that his kidneys were inexplicably failing. Shortly ...


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新的 CDC Covid-19 指标放弃了对该国大部分地区的强烈口罩建议
新的 CDC Covid-19 指标放弃了对该国大部分地区的强烈口罩建议

New CDC Covid-19 metrics drop strong mask recommendations for most of the country (CNN)Most people ...


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Moderna 和辉瑞(Pfizer)的股票随着 Covid omicron 浪潮在美国消退而下跌
Moderna 和辉瑞(Pfizer)的股票随着 Covid omicron 浪潮在美国消退而下跌

Moderna, Pfizer stocks fall as Covid omicron wave subsides in U.S. Shares of the major Covid vaccin ...


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拜登政府在最高法院败诉后撤销了对企业的 Covid 疫苗授权
拜登政府在最高法院败诉后撤销了对企业的 Covid 疫苗授权

在最高法院本月早些时候阻止了这些要求后,拜登政府正式撤回了对企业的疫苗和测试授权。 职业安全与健康 ...


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