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  发表于 Nov 5, 2021 08:04:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
With that in mind 考虑到这个

this is the thing! 就是这样!

More often than not 通常情况下

Oftentimes, 通常

In some cases, 在某些情况下,in going so, 在这样的情况下,

in a way, 在某种意义上,

in my opinion, 在我看来,

Revolving around it, 围绕着它,

In terms of sillage, 在投篮方面,

For the purposes of this study, 就本研究而言,

This seems to be important  这似乎很重要

To find out 找到答案(去了解)

In other words 换句话说

In general, 一般来说,

Take a step back, 退后一步,

As a result, 因此,

And the result is clear 结果很明显

In detail, 具体来说,

to be more specific, 具体来说,

among others, 其中,

might sound like.... 听起来像.....

Note that 注意

As it happens, 碰巧的是,

Of course 当然

Indeed, 事实上(的确),

Sure, 当然

Did you know that.....? 你知道...吗?

After all 毕竟

However 然而

although 虽然

particularly 尤其

Once 一旦

Even 甚至(即使)

though, 不过,

And, 而且,

So, 所以

If so, 如果是这样的话,

If you prefer, 如果你愿意,

Ahead, 先(在此之前)

Also, 此外,

Instead, 相反,

By now 到目前为止

hands off 放手

close at hand 触手可及

It was around this time. 就在这个时候。

at the same time 同时

Most recently, 最近,

in recent years 近年来

since the turn of the 20th century 20 世纪之交

In the following years, 在接下来的几年里,

before long, 不久,

for example, 例如,

Key features 主要特点

An important feature is that 一个重要特点是.....

Pros:  优点:

Cons:  缺点:

The solution: 解决方案:

What Causes It: 原因:

How to Treat It: 如何治疗:

What you'll need: 你需要什么:

in order to  为了

First, 首先,

Second, 其次,

Lastly, 最后

On the other hand, 另一方面,

Even if this means 即使这意味着

Here is the thing. 重点来了

but the thing is, 但重点是,

The point is... 重点是。。。。

For many people,  对许多人来说,

spruce it up! 美化它!

all in name 名副其实

at least, 至少,

I mean, 我的意思是,

quite honestly, 老实说,

发表于 Dec 18, 2021 10:29:34 | 只看该作者
In addition 此外

Additionally 此外

Moreover 而且

Furthermore 此外

Next  下一个

Similarly 相似地

First, second, third,

On the same token 同样的道理

so be it. 就这样吧。

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