
杰克·多尔西 (Jack Dorsey) 将卸任 Twitter 首席执行官一职

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  发表于 Nov 30, 2021 02:47:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
推特公司周一宣布,推特联合创始人兼公众形象杰克·多尔西将辞去首席执行官一职,立即生效。多尔西将至少在明年之前一直担任 Twitter 董事会成员。

Twitter 的首席技术官 Parag Agrawal 将接任 CEO 一职。

多尔西周一在一份声明中说:“我决定离开 Twitter,因为我相信该公司已准备好从其创始人那里继续前进。” “作为 Twitter CEO,我对 Parag 的信任很深。他在过去 10 年的工作具有变革性。我对他的技能、心灵和灵魂深表感谢。现在是他领导的时候了。”

在他的 Twitter 帐户上分享的内部说明中,多尔西说:“我希望你们都知道这是我的决定,我拥有它。当然,这对我来说是一个艰难的决定。我喜欢这项服务和公司...... . 和你们所有人。我真的很伤心......但真的很高兴。没有多少公司达到这个水平。也没有多少创始人选择他们的公司而不是他们的自我。我知道我们将证明这是正确的举动。”

离职是在多尔西重返首席执行官职位以帮助扭转社交网络业务六年之后。在 Dorsey 任职期间,Twitter 实现了盈利,发布了第一个 10 亿美元的季度,并开始测试和发布广泛的功能以吸引用户。但 Twitter 与其同行一样,也不得不面对内容审核的挑战以及立法者和公众日益严格的审查。

CNBC首先报道了多尔西预计将于周一离职。报告发布后,推特股价在周一的盘前交易中上涨了 10%,随后回吐了部分涨幅。

虽然比 Facebook 等竞争对手小得多,但 Twitter 一直是关于社交媒体平台是否以及应承担多少责任来遏制其网站上的仇恨言论、暴力言论和错误信息的辩论的核心。多尔西曾多次在国会作证,批评其公司处理用户内容的方式。

今年年初,在美国国会大厦发生叛乱后,Twitter 采取了非同寻常的措施,永久禁止一位在任美国总统参与服务。但在多尔西的领导下,Twitter 一直在努力为其用户(包括世界领导人)设计和执行一套越来越复杂的政策和规则。

多尔西不得不应对这些挑战,同时将他在 Twitter 的时间与他共同创立的支付公司 Square 的首席执行官分开。今年夏天,Dorsey 表示他可能愿意离开 Twitter Square,从事与比特币相关的计划。

就在去年,多尔西还面临激进对冲基金 Elliott Management 推动变革的投资者挑战,包括可能取代他。多尔西最终活了下来。

关于多尔西即将离职的报道是在他帮助创办这家短信公司 15 年后发布的。 Dorsey 用该平台的第一条推文来标记这一刻:“只是设置我的 twttr。”

多尔西于 2007 年首次成为 Twitter 的首席执行官,但在次年被迫卸任。他于 2015 年回归担任 CEO。

Jack Dorsey is stepping down as CEO of Twitter

(CNN)Jack Dorsey, the cofounder and public face of Twitter, will step down from his role as CEO, effective immediately, the company announced Monday. Dorsey will remain a member of Twitter's board until at least next year.

Parag Agrawal, Twitter's chief technology officer, will take over as CEO.

"I've decided to leave Twitter because I believe the company is ready to move on from its founders," Dorsey said in a statement Monday. "My trust in Parag as Twitter's CEO is deep. His work over the past 10 years has been transformational. I'm deeply grateful for his skill, heart, and soul. It's his time to lead."

In an internal note, shared on his Twitter account, Dorsey said: "I want you all to know that this was my decision and I own it. It was a tough one for me, of course. I love this service and company ... and all of you so much. I'm really sad ... yet really happy. There aren't many companies that get to this level. And there aren't many founders that choose their company over their own ego. I know we'll prove this was the right move."

The departure comes six years after Dorsey returned to the chief executive role to help turn around the social network's business. During Dorsey's tenure, Twitter achieved profitability, posted its first billion-dollar quarter and began testing and releasing a wide range of features to draw in users. But Twitter, like its peers, has also had to confront the challenge of content moderation as well as growing scrutiny from lawmakers and the public.

CNBC was first to report Dorsey's expected departure Monday. Shares of Twitter jumped as much as 10% in pre-market trading Monday after the report, before giving up some of those gains.

While much smaller than rivals like Facebook, Twitter has been central to the debates over whether and how much social media platforms should be responsible for curbing hate speech, violent rhetoric and misinformation on their sites. Dorsey has testified several times before Congress amid criticisms of his company's handling of user content.

At the start of this year Twitter took the extraordinary step of permanently banning a sitting US president from the service following the insurrection at the US Capitol. But under Dorsey's leadership, Twitter has struggled to design and enforce an ever more complex set of policies and rules for its users, including world leaders.

Dorsey has had to navigate those challenges while dividing his time at Twitter with serving as CEO of Square, the payments company he also cofounded. This summer, Dorsey suggested he might be willing to leave Twitter and Square to go work on bitcoin-related initiatives.

As recently as last year, Dorsey faced an investor challenge from activist hedge fund Elliott Management pushing for changes, including possibly replacing him. Dorsey ultimately survived.

The reports about Dorsey's looming departure come 15 years after he helped launch the short-messaging company. Dorsey marked the moment with the platform's first-ever tweet: "just setting up my twttr."

Dorsey first became CEO of Twitter in 2007, but was forced out of the role the following year. He returned as CEO in 2015.

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