
汤姆布拉迪说,无论他是退休还是重返 NFL,家人都将发挥重要作用

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  发表于 Jan 26, 2022 03:28:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

布雷迪将在下赛季开始前年满 45 岁,他在每周一期的播客“Let's Go”中谈到了他在 NFL 的未来。他告诉联合主持人吉姆·格雷,“不踢足球”和与家人共度时光是一种乐趣。

“踢足球,我从中得到了很多快乐。我喜欢它。但是不踢足球,现在对我来说有很多快乐,因为我的孩子长大了,看到他们成长和成长。所以所有这些事情都需要考虑并且将会考虑,”布雷迪告诉联合主持人吉姆格雷决定是否回归第 23 个赛季。


“我会花一些时间和他们[家人]在一起,给他们他们需要的东西,”布雷迪谈到他的淡季计划时说。 “‘在过去的六个月里,他们真的给了我做我喜欢做的事情所需的一切。”

布雷迪嫁给了超级名模和慈善家吉赛尔·邦辰。他们有两个孩子。他与母亲、女演员布里奇特·莫伊纳汉(Bridget Moynahan)共同抚养大儿子。


“我对我们今年完成的一切感到自豪和满意,”他谈到 Bucs 赛季和他自己的表现时说。 “我知道当我全力以赴时,那是一件值得骄傲的事情。今年、去年和前一年,我已经付出了我所拥有的一切。”

本赛季标志着布雷迪在 NFL 的第 22 个年头。布雷迪在常规赛中投出了 5,316 码和 43 次达阵。布雷迪是 NFL 在传球、完成和传球达阵方面的历史领先者。他赢得了七次超级碗,六次在新英格兰爱国者队和一次在海盗队。

布雷迪在 2020 年离开了新英格兰爱国者队,并与坦帕湾海盗队签约,将他们带到了 18 年来的第一个超级碗。 43岁的他成为赢得超级碗总冠军的最年长的首发四分卫。



“我认为这会让我分心,”他说。 “我的乐趣来自竞争。”

Tom Brady says family will play big role in whether he retires or returns to the NFL

Record-setting championship quarterback Tom Brady said this week his family will play a big role in deciding whether he returns for another season after his Tampa Bay Buccaneers were eliminated in the divisional round of the playoffs by the Los Angeles Rams.

Brady, who will turn 45 before next season begins, touched on his future in the NFL during a weekly episode of his podcast “Let's Go.” He told co-host Jim Gray there is joy in “not playing football” and spending time with his family.

“Playing football, I get so much joy from it. I love it. But not playing football, there's a lot of joy in that for me now with my kids getting older and seeing them develop and grow. So all these things need to be considered and will be,” Brady told co-host Jim Gray about deciding whether to return for a 23rd season.

He said that there is “no rush” from the Bucs coaching staff and management in deciding whether to return to play.

“I'm gonna spend some time with them [family] and give them what they need,” Brady said of his off-season plans. ”'They've really been giving me what I need the last six months to do what I love to do.”

Brady is married to supermodel and philanthropist Gisele Bundchen. They have two children. He shares custody of his oldest son with his mother, actress Bridget Moynahan.

The quarterback expressed his disappointment in being eliminated from the playoffs, but said he is proud of what the Bucs did this year, coming off last year's Super Bowl championship.

“I'm proud and satisfied with everything we accomplished this year,” he said about the Bucs season and his own performance. “I know when I give it my all, that's something to be proud of. And I've literally given everything I had, this year, last year and the year before that.”

The season marked Brady's 22nd year in the NFL. Brady threw for 5,316 yards and 43 touchdowns during the regular season. Brady is the all-time NFL leader in passing yards, completions and passing touchdowns. He has won seven Super Bowls, six with the New England Patriots and one with the Bucs.

Brady left the New England Patriots in 2020 and signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, taking them to their first Super Bowl in 18 years. He became the oldest starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl ring at age 43.  

This is only the fourth time in his career that Brady has not advanced in the divisional round.

Gray asked Brady if he wanted a farewell tour like Kobe Bryant had during his last season as professional athletes. Brady says he would not want one.

“I think that'd be distracting for me,” he said. “My enjoyment comes from the competition.”

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