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  发表于 Dec 15, 2021 02:11:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
纽约(美国有线电视新闻网)一项关键的通胀指标显示,由于大流行时代的供应链混乱和劳动力短缺的持续,美国 11 月的价格继续攀升。

生产者价格指数——追踪国内生产商销售价格随时间的平均变化——在截至 11 月的 12 个月内上涨了 9.6%。根据美国劳工统计局的数据,这是自 2010 11 月首次计算数据系列以来的最大涨幅,而且涨幅大于经济学家的预期。

剔除食品、能源和贸易服务的价格,该指数同期仍上涨 6.9%,为 2014 8 月以来的最大涨幅。

周二的报告是在上周对消费者价格通胀的观察之后发布的,该通胀同期上涨了 6.8%,这是自 1982 6 月以来的最高水平。

这两个数据点也遵循美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔 (Jerome Powell) 的建议,即在描述大流行时期的价格上涨时不再使用“暂时性”一词。




11 月的价格上涨幅度很大,但仍有一些品类脱颖而出。在服务方面,包括投资组合管理和投资建议在内的金融产品价格上涨。货运和邮件的运输价格也攀升。

与前一个月相比,11 月份商品收到的价格实际上上涨速度略有放缓。然而,废钢铁价格上涨 10.7%,而汽油、新鲜水果和蔬菜价格也上涨。


在该类别中,与 10 月份相比,11 月份的价格涨幅也有所放缓。尽管如此,根据劳工统计局的数据,在截至 11 月的 12 个月期间,加工品价格指数上涨了 26.5%,为 1974 12 月以来的最大涨幅。


在未加工的商品中,能源是价格上涨的最大驱动因素之一。在截至 11 月的 12 个月中,未加工商品的价格上涨了 52.5%。

A key inflation measure just hit its highest level on record

New York (CNN Business)A key inflation gauge showed that US prices continued to climb in November as pandemic-era supply chain chaos and a labor shortage continues.

The producer price index which tracks the average changes in selling prices that domestic producers receive over time rose 9.6% over the 12 months ended in November. It was the biggest jump since the data series was first calculated in November 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a larger advance than economists had expected.

Stripping out prices received for food, energy and trade services, the index still climbed 6.9% over the same period, the biggest increase since August 2014.

Tuesday's report follows last week's look at consumer price inflation, which rose by 6.8% over the same time period, a level not seen since June 1982.

Both data points also follow Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's suggestion to retire the use of the word "transitory" when describing the pandemic-era price hikes.

The central banks had been adamant that current inflation will only be temporary, but as it has dragged on and gotten worse, that description seemed less and less appropriate.

The Fed, which has already begun to roll back its pandemic stimulus, begins meeting Tuesday and will give an update on its monetary policy Wednesday afternoon. Powell is expected to announce a faster pace for rolling back stimulus following comments he made to Congress last month.

Here's what got more expensive

The November price increases were broad, but some categories stood out nonetheless. In services, prices for financial products, including portfolio management and investment advice rose. Prices for transportation of freight and mail also climbed.

Prices received for goods actually rose at a slightly slower pace in November compared with the prior month. Yet, prices for iron and steel scrap jumped 10.7%, while prices for gasoline, fresh fruit and vegetables also rose.

America's producers don't only sell to end consumers but also to other businesses, which is tracked with the price indexes for intermediate demand.

Within that category, price increases also abated a little bit in November compared with October. That said, over the 12-month period ended in November, the price index for processed goods jumped 26.5%, the biggest increase since December 1974, according to the BLS.

One of the categories driving up prices is industrial chemicals.

Within unprocessed goods, energy was one of the biggest drivers of price increases. In the 12 months ended in November, the prices for unprocessed goods jumped 52.5%.

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