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  发表于 Dec 19, 2023 02:16:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
擦伤 (Abrasions / Scrapes):

Person 1: I fell off my bike, and now I have these nasty scrapes on my knees.

Person 2: Ouch! Clean those abrasions with some antiseptic and put on a bandage.

淤血 (Contusions / Bruises):

Person 1: I accidentally walked into a door, and now I've got bruises all over my arm.

Person 2: Ice packs can help reduce the swelling of those contusions.

切口 (Lacerations / Cuts):

Person 1: I was chopping vegetables and ended up with a deep cut on my finger.

Person 2: That laceration might need stitches. Let's clean it and wrap it in a sterile bandage.

刺伤 (Puncture Wounds / Stabs):

Person 1: I stepped on a nail, and now I have a puncture wound on my foot.

Person 2: Puncture wounds can lead to infections. Let's clean it and apply an antibiotic ointment.

骨折 (Fracture / Broken Bone):

Person 1: I slipped on the ice, and I think I broke my arm.

Person 2: You might have a fracture. We need to get you to the emergency room for an X-ray.

脱臼 (Dislocation):

Person 1: I fell awkwardly, and now my shoulder feels out of place.

Person 2: It could be a dislocation. We should see a doctor to get that shoulder back in.

烧伤 (Burns):

Person 1: I accidentally touched the hot pan, and now I have a burn on my hand.

Person 2: Run cold water over the burn and apply a sterile bandage. If it's severe, seek medical attention.

撕裂伤 (Avulsions / Tears):

Person 1: There was a car accident, and I have a tear in my skin.

Person 2: That sounds serious. Let's call for an ambulance and keep pressure on the wound.

挫伤 (Bruised Bones / Contusions):

Person 1: I fell while hiking, and now my shin is swollen and bruised.

Person 2: Rest and ice can help with the pain and swelling from the contusions.

头部外伤 (Head Injury):

Person 1: I hit my head on the corner of the table, and now I have a headache.

Person 2: Head injuries can be serious. Let's keep an eye on it and seek medical attention if the pain persists.

subcutaneous-contusion-on-an-arm.jpeg (46.07 KB, 下载次数: 4)


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